I really enjoyed the journey this song took me on. Could be a modern hit with the right vocals/lyrics on it :)
I really enjoyed the journey this song took me on. Could be a modern hit with the right vocals/lyrics on it :)
Sounds like battles in a 1980s arcade! :)
Great! I like that.
Feeling like trick or treat candy is everywhere. Must battle royale for the pile! Dance battle moves only! :)
Dance battle moves only, yes!
Needs to be a Streets of Rage 4 tune ;)
Slick, fun, and wonderful 8)
Strong tune. Audio levels/clipping could use some tweaking.
Great vibe!
Love the ear punches with the synth!
Sound levels, normalizing, channels tweaking could use some adjustments. Interesting setup.
Thanks for your feedback, technomantics. I will work on it:)
Thank YOU for visiting Hatcher Technomantics on NEWGROUNDS! 8) We like to entertain people, make them laugh. We love to learn & help people. Being creative is something that keeps us going and happy when life throws speed bumps & detours in your way. ;)
Design & Dev
Hard Knocks & Wonderful People
Mountain Island Cave
Joined on 11/16/10