I appreciate what you were trying to convey. One heck of an action game! :)
I appreciate what you were trying to convey. One heck of an action game! :)
Thank you~ :) LOL, yeah, this could fit for some old school looking action platformer game.
So glorious and happy!
Thank you!!!
Which version of the game series is this from?
I know it is a tribute, I am asking what it is inspired by from which game/soundtrack, because I am a fan of Yuzo's music too.
Uhhhh, this is a tribute... Not an Ingame music
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5DX+
Appreciate the original creation, catchy too! XD
yee thanks
Sounds like battles in a 1980s arcade! :)
Great! I like that.
Feeling like trick or treat candy is everywhere. Must battle royale for the pile! Dance battle moves only! :)
Dance battle moves only, yes!
Sound levels, normalizing, channels tweaking could use some adjustments. Interesting setup.
Thanks for your feedback, technomantics. I will work on it:)
Are we on a mission? To paaarrtay! I could see a montage of Terminator and Robocop training to fight each other, but Punch Out style ;) Punchy tune!
Thanks a lot!!
This thumps so frakkin' well! 8) production quality is on point.
Thanks for the kind words!
Thank you!
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Hard Knocks & Wonderful People
Mountain Island Cave
Joined on 11/16/10