Definitely a binary solo ;)
Both sides of my brain got to enjoy it!
Definitely a binary solo ;)
Both sides of my brain got to enjoy it!
Needs some work, good effort!
It sounds a little bit confused to me, like it isn't sure what kind of song that it wants to be, and not leaving me with anything memorable. I didn't feel connected to this one.
Hmmm kk, well its for Music GCSE and ive got another 5 hours to work on it, so i should be able to give it more of a theme, something to hold it all together. Thanks for reviewing
Thumping and fast jam!
Hopefully someone makes an epic video to this someday =)
Dont' worry about it, good song!
The fact that you went to such lengths over your heartache shows you can refocus that energy of hurt into something positive!
Hey Thanks
Flows nicely, liked it!
Sounded like something I would hear in a Euro dance club =)
Really? Iv never been to one xD
I could see this as a platformer score...
...along the lines of Rocket Knight Adventures or Gunstar Heroes!
I'm afraid I don't know either of those, lol. I've never been much of a gamer.
Thanks for the comment. :)
This is really well done!
I love the beat, it puts you in a positive mood! =)
Pumps you up, ready to battle!
I can totally feel this for a fighting game or shooter. Nice work! =)
Love to see some music videos to your songs!
Good stuff =)
I'm sittin here rockin out!
Chris, this is really good too. Keep making great music!
Thank you sir, i will do my best.
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